Business Building, Consulting & Reconstruction

Welcome to the home page of Michael Rasmussen. I am a Danish-born CEO, Chairman, Mentor, Interim Solution Partner, and freelance consultant. I advise private companies, the public sector, and wealth management. As a Product and Business Developer, I can deliver Recruiting, AI expertise, In & Outsourcing, AMP Design, and Consulting, and provide Venture Capital/Business Angels. Innovation and Disruptive ideas are my trademarks, and I am a recognized and often awarded strategic advisor with insight into juridical protection, sales, marketing, psychology, Gazelle Business Building and Brand Building.

With groundbreaking knowledge and innovative or disruptive new concepts, I can add new measurable value, results, innovation and benefits to you, your company, webdesign, campaigns or products. We have received many awards for best campaigns, design and advertisements, and also Duns Credit Rating AAA & Gazelle Prizes (best-earning companies).

List of companies in the IT, Human Resource & Life Science industry:

THE ATTORNEY & AUDITOR COOPERATIVE: Attorneys & Auditors for Legal Advice, Accounting, Audit, IP Rights, Finance, Reconstruction, Tax Cases, Visa Center. VERIO® Patent Attorneys. EST. 1992.

INNOVATION SUPPORT A/S: Engineers, Pharmacists, Life Science GMP Recruiting and Consultants, Headhunting, TalentFinder®. MERGER EST. 2014.

ICARE A/S: The security company, Decryption, MSP/SOC & penetration tests, ransomware control, antivirus, surveillance and anti spionage systems. MERGER 2022.

AGIL UDVIKLING A/S: AI & AMP Webdesign, AGI, Webshop, Prestashop, OpenCart, WooCommerce, Adobe Magento & Multiplatform shopping. Scrum & Prince2 certified. + Server Hosting Center A/S. MERGER 2014.

VIDEO A/S & AISTRA.NET: AI, TV, film- og videoproduktion, videoovervågning, Briefcam, live videostreaming, konferencer, kirkevideo, videoanalyse, AI/ML, alarm- og adgangskontrol, skjult våbendetektion. FUSION 2022.

#ExitCompanies: KirkeVideo, DTPartner®, Gigabit A/S,, Netpartner, Jetnet, Verinet®, DTNet, Økolille, Skandinavisk Computer Center, Datakilden, Capriella and EasySound.

#LivingPlaces & #Places: #Melbyvej, #Åbyvej, #Tuborg Boulevard, #Østerbro, #Fruebjergvej 3, #Strandvejen Klampenborg, #Herlev, #Skovlunde, #Piniehøj – Rungsted Kyst, #Sneppevang 5 Allerød, #Karlebo, #Frederiksgade 9 CPH, #Falkoner Alle 79, #Gundsømagle, #Nørrebrogade 88, #Skt. Hansgade 1, and #Elmegade 25-27.

Story of life: I am educated at the Danish Music Academy and the Royal Chapel Master Gunner Sigerstrøm. I did study psychology and economics and did work in both areas. I started as Self-employed at the age of 21 i started with shops first in Nørrebrogade 88, then Elmegade 25-27, Falkoner Alle 79, Sneppevang 5 and Fruebjergvej 3. As Business Advisor and Art Director i can advise in globalization, marketing, and Export. Today I have eighteen of the twenty biggest Danish companies as references. I have been providing IP Legal IP Counsellor products and being a re-constructor and Business Angel for venture capital and now a partner in the Attorney & Auditor Team Denmark. I am also a consultant to public entrepreneurs and startups of private companies and websites.

Experience: I have been participating in many TV stations, newspapers, magazines, radio and 2 TV portraits about me. I have 20% as references of the world’s largest companies according to the Forbes TOP 100 list (changes each year). We have delivered services for many of the largest companies in Denmark, Europe, Asia and the USA. The branches are Life Science, shipping companies, airline companies, banks, breweries, municipalities, government, military, IT- and Telecom. For a selected reference list go to our partner sites or call us.

Industries: I have been providing services for 25 years in the industries of Life Science, Tele & Mobile, Military, Engineering, Construction, Energy, Government institutions, Municipalities and Ministries. With ministers, I have been opening trade shows and been a speaker in exhibitions and fairs, as well as instructor, seminar leader and guest teacher. As a business mentor i can change business habits in the leaderships mind.

Private & what anyone can do: I like to spend time with humanitarian projects, in nature riding, bicycle, video- and music production. I do have a major interest in psychology, philosophy, sociology, quantum particle physics and the universe. I made support for Artnet, Art Money, Center of Arts and Technology, Amnesty International, Knight organisations, SOS Children’s Village, Save the Children, ActionAid Denmark, Unesco, Care, Boernefonden, WWF, Doctors without Borders, Journalist without Borders, and Tibet Charity. I was also Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations Convention for Child Rights and a founder of iCARE working against child porn, incest, abuse, violence, and passive abuse of children which happens in all countries every second, 86400 seconds per day. Please support! If we all gave 1€ per month, everyone could have an education, food, and a place to live. It is only one unhealthy acid soda water per. month.

AMP Webdesign, APP Development, AMP WebShop and Tier3 Server Hosting Center

We can offer some of the best and fastest AMP Webdesign and Server Hosting Center for Mission Critical Systems, Cloud Computing and GPU+HPC High-Performance Computing. We represent NTT no. 28 in the world – bigger than Apple and Google together. With 226.000 employees you are in better hands also as No.1 Microsoft, Cisco, SAP & VMWare Partner. The offerings are available in two hundred countries through NTT™ & Verinet®. The companies are also offering Video Streaming, Broadcasting, Virtuel Server, eConference, eCommerce, Marketing Systems, CRM, ERP and WordPress as an AMP Webdesigner. Check out this site and

AI, Machine Learning, Video Business Intelligence & Shop optimize.

Do you want state of the art Video Surveillance, analysis with best references check out VIDEO A/S. We are Developing AI and Hosted Video Suites. We combine AI, Business Intelligence and Machine Learning to say WHERE do customers come from? WHO are they? HOW is the behavior? Michael is offering a wide range of services to maintain and add functionality to your website, products, and applications. See and get can services, web-design or redesign of many APP, CMS system or products.

Match Care Recruiting, Headhunting and replacement

Talent Finder® and VERIO® are the trademarks for Recruiting, Headhunting and Patent Attorney made patents. Whenever an employee, leader or consultant is needed, you can look at Talent Finder®, VERIO® and Innovation Support A/S – a Danish engineering and consulting company. Upload your CV and read about us: